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    Dominic’s Profile

My name is Dominic Sham.  I am studying in City U SCOPE taking Information Technology for Business of Coventry University lasting for three years.  I chose this course as I would like to better understand how Information Technology affects our daily lives.  Since the world relies very much on information technology and also I am interested in computer programming so I would like to study this course. 

Moreover, I am very interested in Mathematics. I have strong interest in how Mathematics applies to computer and business. Thus I am going to spend my 3 years in university to develop my interests especially in programming.

How my course inspires me

The course Information Technology for Business helps me develop my IT skills and make business decision in future.  Although there are lots of knowledge that I am not familiar before taking this course, I can cultivate my interest in programming and learn to solve problems step by step.

The common programming system that I am using is Python. Although I didn't learn before, I can learn a lot from this course as I like to write computer programs. There are a lot of functions and rules in Python and I have to try to run whether the program is possible or not. There are always errors occurred when I try writing in Trimester 1.  In this course I have some chances to try and have fun in learning to create programs. I learnt much from this course and it inspired me to explore more from the web and books. I become more and more familiar with the programming system and I would be able to integrate my interests in programming and the real business situation.

In future, I would like to choose a career in the IT field that helps in programming application. This assists in the smooth running of the business institution and in turns improves people's standard of living.


My Story

Academic Objectives

In this 3-year degree course, my aim is to learn deeply in different programming languages like Python, C++, Java,etc.......With some basic knowledge in these languages, I can be able to write some interactive programs.  Since I did not study ICT in my DSE, so it is the first time that I handle with computer programming, this course gives more chances for me to try writing different programs and I find this course extremely interesting to me.

Group work is very important in this course too.  Although I do not have too much face-to-face interactions due to COVID-19 this trimester, as technology advances so much, we are able to have group discussions through different types of technology platforms. This proves that Information Technology is vital to our society. When I encounter some difficulties, I may seek help from the members to find out different methods to solve the problem.  In the process of completing the group project, we have to discuss what and how to do.  Usually we need to do much researches before we understand the requirements of the group work.  From the process, I learnt lots of interesting knowledge that I had not learnt before in my secondary school. Thus this course is suitable for me and I hope I can write some meaningful and useful programs as the course goes by. 

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In year 1 trimester 1, I had taken two modules that are Academic Writing Skills and Foundation in Information Systems. For Academic Writing Skills, this course taught me how to write a formal academic essay and some basic writing skills.  The another module Foundation in Information Systems taught me some basic Python skills and the operation systems of the computer. After taking these modules I become more familiar with the concepts and development of computer hardware and software and this makes me easier to handle afterwards.

In year 1 trimester 2, I have to take three modules in IT Business. For 121COM Introduction to Computing, this module gives me chances to try writing programs myself. Although it is very difficult to avoid errors, I am willing to try my best to find out the problem or errors to make the programs run smoothly.  At the end of year 1, I am glad that I can write different interactive programs and reduce the chance of getting errors. 


Secondly, in the module 126COM Business Decision Making.  It involves how to integrate some statistical mathematical concepts such as  mean, median or and mode in the real business situation.  I found much fun in using the knowledge learnt and doing the assignment with real data in the market.  Finally I am going to try my best to complete the 3-year degree and use my knowledge to serve the society.

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